Tech Offers Repo, a project under the series of Tech Interview Handbook (TIH), reveals the stories behind offers by focusing on the profiles of the offer receivers. It helps job seekers benchmark and analyse their anonymous offers with more context and encourages discussions around offer profiles.
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Back End Engineer
I like to play games, so I treat life like a game. I collect achievements by crossing items off my bucket list.
Front End Engineer
I dream of eating hot food in the cold winter, falling off the grid in a skydive, and watching auroras dance in the night sky. For now, I am living in reality as a full-time coder.
Back End Engineer
I’m an avid Manchester United fan who loves to code. To fuel my late night coding sessions, I love to brew my own coffee from different parts of the world.
Front End Engineer
I thrive under pressure, coffee and cat. In my own time, I like playing the flute, building fun stuff with friends and watching animes.